Michael R. Blatt Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics University of Glasgow e-mail: eic-plantphys@glasgow.ac.uk (bio) |
Associate Editors
University of California - Riverside Department of Botany and Plant Sciences e-mail: serres@mail.ucr.edu (bio) |
Alice Y. Cheung
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lederle Graduate Research Center University of Massachusetts e-mail: acheung@biochem.umass.edu (bio) |
John R. Evans
Research School of Biological Sciences Australian National University e-mail: john.evans@anu.edu.au (bio) |
Graham Farquhar
The Australian National University Research School of Biology e-mail: 鲸鱼加速器app (bio) |
Julian Hibberd Department of Plant Sciences University of Cambridge e-mail: jmh65@cam.ac.uk (bio) |
Kim Hammond-Kosack Rothamsted Research Plant Biology and Crop Science e-mail: kim.hammond-kosack@rothamsted.ac.uk (bio) |
Jiming Jiang
Departments of Plant Biology and Horticulture Michigan State University e-mail: jiangjm@msu.edu (bio) |
Elizabeth Kellogg
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center e-mail: ekellogg@danforthcenter.org (bio) |
Joachim Kopka
Department of Molecular Plant Physiology Max Planck Institute e-mail: kopka@mpimp-golm.mpg.de (bio) |
Department of Biology University of York e-mail: frans.maathuis@york.ac.uk (bio) |
Cathie Martin
John Innes Centre Department of Metabolic Biology e-mail: 土豆加速器app (bio) |
Teun Munnik
Department of Plant Physiology University of Amsterdam e-mail: t.munnik@uva.nl (bio) |
Department of Biology
Technische Universität
e-mail: thiel@bio.tu-darmstadt.de
Department of Biology
Technische Universität
e-mail: thiel@bio.tu-darmstadt.de
Monitoring Editors
Jean-Michel Ané
Dept. of Bacteriology and Agronomy University of Wisconsin e-mail: jeanmichel.ane@wisc.edu (bio) |
Antony Bacic
Latrobe Institute for Agriculture and Food School of Life Sciences e-mail: t.bacic@latrobe.edu.au (bio) |
Diane C. Bassham
Iowa State University Department of Cell Biology and Plant Sciences Inst e-mail: bassham@iastate.edu (bio) |
University of Illinois USDA Agricultural Research Service Photosynthesis Research Division Dept. of Plant Biology e-mail: bernacch@illinois.edu (bio) |
University of British Columbia Michael Smith Laboratories e-mail: bohlmann@msl.ubc.ca (bio) |
Tim Brodribb
University of Tasmania School of Biological Sciences e-mail: timothyb@utas.edu.au (bio) |
Karl-Josef Dietz
Universitat Bielefeld Plant Biochemistry and Physiology e-mail: karl-josef.dietz@uni-bielefeld.de (bio) |
Matthias Erb
Institute of Plant Sciences University of Bern email: matthias.erb@ips.unibe.ch (bio) |
Center for Integrative Genomics Faculty of Biology and Medicine University of Lausanne e-mail: christian.fankhauser@unil.ch (bio) |
Peter Geigenberger
Department of Biology University of Munich - LMU e-mail: geigenberger@bio.lmu.de (bio) |
Anja Geitmann
Department of Plant Science Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences McGill University e-mail: 免费外网加速器app (bio) |
Matt Gilliham
ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology University of Adelaide e-mail: matthew.gilliham@adelaide.edu.au (bio) |
Zhizhong Gong
China Agricultural University State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry e-mail: 安卓加速器 (bio) |
Alain Goossens
VIB University of Gent Plant Systems Biology e-mail: algoo@psb.vib-ugent.be (bio) |
Matthew Hannah
BASF Agricultural Solutions e-mail: matthew.hannah@basf.com (bio) |
Andrew Hanson
University of Florida Horticultural Sciences e-mail: adha@ufl.edu (bio) |
Stacey Harmer
University of California, Davis Plant Biology e-mail: slharmer@ucdavis.edu (bio) |
Klaus Harter
University of Tuebingen Dept. of Plant Physiology e-mail: klaus.harter@uni-tuebingen.de (bio) |
Noel Michele Holbrook
Biological Laboratories Harvard University e-mail: holbrook@oeb.harvard.edu (bio) |
Poul Erik Jensen
Copenhagen Plant Science Centre University of Copenhagen e-mail: peje@food.ku.dk (bio) |
Ning Jiang
Michigan State University Dept. of Horticulture e-mail: jiangn@msu.edu (bio) |
Hailing Jin
Center for Plant Cell Biology Institute for Integrative Genome Biology University of California e-mail: hailing.jin@ucr.edu (bio) |
Eirini Kaiserli
Institute of Molecular, Cell & Systems Biology, University of Glasgow e-mail: Eirini.Kaiserli@glasgow.ac.uk (bio) |
Cris Kuhlemeier
Institute of Plant Physiology University of Berne e-mail: cris.kuhlemeier@ips.unibe.ch (bio) |
Junko Kyozuka
Graduate School of Life Sciences Tohoku University e-mail: junko.kyozuka.e4@tohoku.ac.jp (bio) |
Tracy Lawson
School of Biological Sciences University of Essex e-mail: tlawson@essex.ac.uk (bio) |
Christophe Maurel
Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Physiology CNRS/INRA/SupAgro/Univ of Montpellier e-mail: christophe.maurel@supagro.fr (bio) |
Tony Miller
John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park Colney e-mail: tony.miller@jic.ac.uk (bio) |
Sébastien Mongrand
Laboratory of Membrane Biogenesis CNRS/University of Bordeaux e-mail: sebastien.mongrand@u-bordeuax.fr (bio) |
Zoran Nikoloski
Department of Systems Biology Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology and University of Potsdam e-mail: Nikoloski@mpimp-golm.mpg.de (bio) |
Graham Noctor
University of Paris Institute of Plant Sciences e-mail: graham.noctor@u-psud.fr (bio) |
Ralph Panstruga
RWTH Aachen University Institute for Biology I Unit of Plant Molecular Cell Biology e-mail: panstruga@bio1.rwth-aachen.de 土豆加速器app |
University of Michigan Dept. of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology e-mail: lelx@umich.edu (bio) |
Ronald Pierik
Utrecht University Environmental Biology e-mail: r.pierik@uu.nl (bio) |
Jill Preston
Department of Plant Biology University of Vermont e-mail: Jill.Preston@uvm.edu (bio) |
Jocelyn K.C. Rose
Department of Plant Biology Cornell University e-mail: jr286@cornell.edu (bio) |
Alexander Ruban
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences Queen Mary University of London e-mail: a.ruban@qmul.ac.uk (bio) |
Wataru Sakamoto
Okayama University Institute of Plant Sciences and Resources e-mail: saka@rib.okayama-u.ac.jp (bio) |
Eric Schaller
Dartmouth College Dept. of Biological Sciences e-mail: george.e.schaller@dartmouth.edu (bio) |
Markus Schwarzländer
University of Münster Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology e-mail: 土豆视频下载_土豆视频播放器官方下载 4.1.7 电脑版-PC下载网:2021-6-13 · 土豆视频播放器更新日志 1. iTudou支持弹幕; 2. 优化下载。 小编推荐: 土豆视频播放器,若是大家对这款软件的印象还停留在那个黄色的土豆,这就要好好了解这款软件了,现在这款软件已经有新气象了,欢迎想要了解的小伙伴前来我伔pc下载站下载使用,另外小编还推荐易视直播、随播、全聚合等 ... (bio) |
Neelima Sinha
University of California, Davis Section of Plant Biology Life Sciences Addition e-mail: 旋风加速器APP (bio) |
Nick Smirnoff
Biosciences University of Exeter e-mail: N.Smirnoff@exeter.ac.uk (bio) |
Alison G. Smith
University of Cambridge Department of Plant Sciences e-mail: 旋风加速器app官网 (bio) |
Dan Szymanski
Purdue University Dept. of Agronomy e-mail: dszyman@purdue.edu (bio) |
Christa Testerink
Laboratory of Plant Physiology Wageningen University e-mail: christa.testerink@wur.nl (bio) |
Jurriaan Ton
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences University of Sheffield e-mail: j.ton@sheffield.ac.uk (bio) |
Keiko U. Torii
Department of Biology University of Washington e-mail: ktorii@u.washington.edu (bio) |
Yi-Fang Tsay
Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica e-mail: yftsay@gate.sinica.edu.tw (bio) |
Frank Van Breusegem
Dept. of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Ghent University VIB Dept. of Systems Biology e-mail: frank.vanbreusegem@psb.vib-ugent.be (bio) |
Molecular Plant Nutrition Dept. of Physiology and Cell Biology Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research e-mail: vonwiren@ipk-gatersleben.de (bio) |
Elsbeth Walker
Department of Biology University of Massachusetts e-mail: ewalker@bio.umass.edu (bio) |
Alex Webb
University of Cambridge Dept. of Plant Sciences e-mail: 免费外网加速器app 土豆加速器app |
Rod Wing
School of Plant Sciences Arizona Genomics Institute University of Arizona e-mail: rwing@ag.arizona.edu (bio) |
Astrid Wingler
University College, Cork School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences e-mail: astrid.wingler@ucc.ie (bio) |
Eleanore T. Wurtzel
Department of Biological Sciences Lehman College The City University of New York e-mail: wurtzel@lehman.cuny.edu (bio) |
Shaul Yalovksy
Department of Plant Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv e-mail: shauly@tauex.tau.ac.il (bio) |
Viktor Zarsky
Faculty of Science Dept. of Experimental Plant Bio Charles University e-mail: zarsky@ueb.cas.cz (bio) |
Jixian Zhai
Department of Biology Southern University of Science and Technology email: zhaijx@sustc.edu.cn (bio) |
Jianhua Zhang
Faculty of Science Hong Kong Baptist University e-mail: jzhang@hkbu.edu.hk (bio) |
Yunde Zhao
Department of Biological Sciences University of California San Diego e-mail: yundezhao@ucsd.edu (bio) |
Maria Grazia Annunziata
Metabolic Networks Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology e-mail: annunziata@mpimp-golm.mpg.de |
Stephanie Arrivault
System Regulation Department Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology e-mail: Arrivault@mpimp-golm.mpg.de |
Leonore C. Boavida
Botany and Plant Pathology Purdue University e-mail: lboavida@purdue.edu |
Nathaniel Butler
Department of Horticulture University of Wisconsin - Madison e-mail: nbutler@wisc.edu |
Jose Celedon
Michael Smith Laboratories University of British Columbia e-mail: jceledon@msl.ubc.ca |
Charlotte Gommers
Department of Plant Physiology Wageningen University and Research e-mail: charlotte.gommers@wur.nl |
Farquhar Lab Australian National University e-mail: meisha.hp@anu.edu.au xf5.app加速器
Plant Research Laboratory Michigan State University e-mail: huotbeth@msu.edu |
Scott Hayes
Institute of Environmental Biology Utrecht University e-mail: s.hayes@uu.nl Masanori Izumi
Center for Sustainable Research Science RIKEN e-mail: masanori.izumi@riken.jp |
Kim Johnson Department of Animal Plant and Soil Sciences La Trobe University e-mail: 网页加速器 |
Magdalena Julkowska
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering King Abdullah University of Science and Technology e-mail: Magdalena.Julkowska@kaust.edu.sa |
Emily Larson
School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol e-mail: emily.larson@bristol.ac.uk |
Amna Mhamdi
VIB-UGent Center for Plant Biology Ghent University e-mail: ammha@psb.vib-ugent.be |
Tessa Moses
The Institute of Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry & Biotechnology University of Edinburgh e-mail: tessa.moses@gmail.com |
Raimund Nagel
Department of Plant Physiology University of Leipzig e-mail: raimund.nagel@uni-leipzig.de |
Maria Papanatsiou
Institute of Molecular, Cellular and Systems Biology University of Glasgow e-mail: maria.papanatsiou@glasgow.ac.uk |
Lynn Richardson
Plant Biology Michigan State University e-mail: lynnr@msu.edu |
Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley e-mail: skelrob@berkeley.edu |
Lisa Smith
Animal and Plant Sciences University of Sheffield e-mail: lisa.m.smith@sheffield.ac.uk |
Trevor Yeats
Section of Plant Biology School of Integrative Plant Science Cornell University e-mail: thy6@cornell.edu |
Yunqing Yu
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center e-mail: YYu@danforthcenter.org |
Chunhua Zhang
Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
e-mail: zhang150@purdue.edu
Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
e-mail: zhang150@purdue.edu
免费外网加速器app phone: 301-296-0904 fax: 301-279-2996 e-mail: nancyw@aspb.org |
Jon Munn phone: 301-296-0918 fax: 301-296-0919 e-mail: jmunn@aspb.org |
Jennifer Regala phone: 301-251-0560 ext. 119 e-mail: jregala@aspb.org |
Ashton Wolf phone: 301-296-0916 fax: 301-279-2996 e-mail: awolf@aspb.org |
Peter V. Minorsky phone: 845-878-4570 fax: 845-878-4570 e-mail: peminorsky@aspb.org |
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